The World You Cultivate Inside

Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Our heart thinks! We are learning to respond to the voice of the Spirit of Adoption, but we undermine that voice if we cultivate something different on the inside. We need to pay attention to our internal atmosphere - the things we have playing on repeat inside us. We know the Kingdom is established in us when our internal world is dominated by peace and joy.

Prophetic Ministry - The Spirit of Adoption

Debbie leads us in a time of prophetic ministry and prayer for healing, then Tim follows on from two weeks ago and ministers into the spirit of adoption - that voice from The Father that chases away fear. The language that The Father speaks isn’t just about the words spoken. The nature of the voice - it’s tone, it’s essence brings with it the touch of His presence. It’s this voice that allows us to be connected back to the child-like fire at the core of our true identity.

Mature Love and the Spirit of Rejection

Ephesians 4 tells us that we are pursuing mature love - the fullness of Christ. There is a spirit that is rife in Australia culture that wars against mature love - the spirit of rejection. Tim unpacks how the spirit of rejection gets a hold in us, how it operates, and how The Father wants to bring healing to our rejection wounds and connect us back to our core identity.

The i61 Vision and The Ministry of Jesus

i61 Church was birthed out of the message of Isaiah 61, which prophetically describes and declares the ministry of Jesus. Tim and Debbie take today to unpack this prophetic passage to describe the blueprint for i61 that God dropped on them back in 2012. We cannot settle for anything less than ALL that Jesus came to do, for our own sake, and for the sake of the world around us, who need to encounter with the authentic Jesus.

This message uses slides on screen to bring the vision to life, which is harder to capture in audio only. There is a full video version of this message available on our website at

Stay In The Fire

It’s the start of week three of our 21 prayer and fasting season. Fasting seasons have a tendency to reveal what’s happening in our heart. When our normal “comforters” that silence our heart aren’t there, our heart starts to let us know how it’s doing. Tim looks at a story in Acts 28 that illustrates what to do in “fire seasons” when stuff comes to the surface so that we are transformed people. It takes transformed people to transform cities and nations.

Rebuilding Ruined Cities

Today begins our “Saturate” season - 3 weeks of prayer, fasting, and pursuing Him with laser focus. In week 1 we pursue our own personal breakthrough and upgrade. Tim and Debbie speak and minister into the “ruined cities” spoken of in Isaiah 61. God wants to heal those “ruined” places in our life that have been devastated for generations, so that you can become a restorer to the world around you.

What Are You Building?

In our first in-person gathering in nearly 10 months, Tim kicks off 2021 with the core question of “What is your life building toward? Are you just living, or are you BUILDING?” This is the year to do whatever needs to be done, and deal with whatever needs to be dealt with, so that we can be intentional and active in building His Kingdom in line with our Kingdom assignment.

The Exposing

Since 2017, one thing (among many) that God has been doing is “exposing” - works of darkness and things that are out of order have been brought into the light. That is intensifying in this season. Globally, we need to be on the side of truth, and praying that every hidden thing would be brought into the light. Personally, 2020 has had the effect of exposing the true condition of our heart - especially in relation to our prophetic destiny. 2 Chronicles 20:20 has been, and is, a defining Scripture for 2020.

The Nature of Mature Love - Part 2

The Father is taking us on a journey of helping us grow up - particularly in the realm of maturing love. We know from 1 John 4:18 that the RESULT of mature love is that it chases away fear. But what is the NATURE of mature love? In part 2 of this message, Tim makes some more comparisons between immature and mature love, and then minister’s into a fresh revelation of the love of the Father - a fresh awakening of first love.

The Nature of Mature Love - Part 1

We’ve all been raised by imperfect love, so it’s no wonder that at times we fear, but, it’s important we don’t stay there. The Father is taking us on a journey of helping us grow up - particularly in the realm of maturing love. We know from 1 John 4:18 that the RESULT of mature love is that it chases away fear. But what is the NATURE of mature love? Tim makes 3 comparisons between immature and mature love and then prays for us that God would lead us to a massive love upgrade so that we can be a Kingdom family that shows the world what love really is.

Getting Established - Getting Mature

The word “established” is standing out prophetically right now. There’s a number of different “establishings” that scripture talks about. Today, Tim focuses on “being established in love”. Once we are established, God has ordered the body with apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists, with the purpose that we may then mature - grow up. We all need spiritual mothers and fathers in our life for us to properly mature. It’s the tribe of Kingdom people that have secure love on the inside which manifests in mature love on the outside - to those around us. It’s that kind of love that will heal a community, a city, a nation.

Creating A Culture Of Refreshing

How do we create a culture where we make it easier for everyone to strengthen themselves in the Lord? We all have an individual responsibility for our own heart, and, how we are when we are TOGETHER either helps or hinders that. Tim follows on from Deb’s message, showing us how to create a culture that means we are a refreshing oasis to each other, and ultimately to the world around us.

Getting Strong From The Inside Out

We’ve been talking about this next season being one where the body of Christ is a place of refreshing to the world. It’s not possible for us to do that if we are feeling horrible and depleted. The solution - we need to learning how to strengthen ourselves in the Lord, from the inside out, so that what flows out of us is life-giving. Debbie speaks of the shift that is needed - getting our soul adequately discipled, and getting our spirit to lead. Deb will be running a “Strengthen Yourself In The Lord Bootcamp” in the coming weeks. Have a listen and get in touch with us if you want to join in.

Your Rising - Part 2

Tim follows up from last week, digging into Isaiah 60 as a key strategic prophetic word for this season. God is releasing fragments of revelation around our identity and our assignment to enable and empower our rising. He’s breathing in fresh passion, awakening our first love - getting us into a place of deep refreshment - so that we are positioned and ready to rise into the fullness of the glory of God in and through us.

Your Rising - Part 1

Isaiah 60 tells us that when the earth is covered with darkness and deep darkness is over the people, that’s the time when God’s glory comes and causes His people to rise. The key here is it’s YOUR RISING - not God’s, but YOURS. Tim unpacks this “reset” season, bringing a prophetic perspective and promise so that we are perfectly positioned to do our part in seeing the world covered with His glory.

You Can Have What You Say

In another epic tag-team, Debbie & Megan explore the power of the confession of our mouth. What we say has power and authority. What we say is fruit of what is happening in our heart, so rather than put tape over our mouth so we don’t “say the wrong thing” we need to let the Spirit touch and heal our heart so that our confession is naturally in agreement with His voice. When our confession is in alignment with heaven, we produce heaven’s atmosphere around us.

Going Low

Deb Ferris & Megan Edward powerfully tag-team to bring this word about humility - going low. Humility is often misunderstood as being a door mat, or being in poverty. In fact, humility is a Kingdom secret weapon that the enemy has no answer for.