Threshold Moments in Destiny

The concept of “thresholds” in Scripture is one of those subjects that you don’t see and until you see it. Then once you see, you can’t un-see it, and you see it everywhere. Tim shows us that a threshold moment is a transition place from one season into another. It happens in the natural (e.g. puberty), and it also happens in the spirit as God leads us into a new season in our calling and assignment. Whenever we are at a threshold, we will generally have an encounter with the enemy who wants to keep us stuck in and old season. Jesus had one such moment at His temptation - the doorway between staying private, and launching into public ministry. Many of us are at threshold moments right now. At i61, we are at a threshold corporately. The decisions we make here are critical if we are to walk into everything that God has promised us. Prophetic ministry follows.