Learning To Occupy - Part 1

Deliverance has been on the rise. Breakthrough is increasing, and we’re coming out of a season where we have been shut down and silenced. This week went very different to plan, and that’s ok. Tim was going to teach on how to occupy territory that’s been conquered - i.e. what to do after the deliverance has happened. More on that next time. It seems there was more breakthrough needed in the room, so that’s what we pursued. Listen to this with your heart and spirit, not just your ears.

The Spirit of Elijah - Part 3

This is the 3rd in this short series on The Spirit of Elijah. Isaiah 40 describes in part the spirit of Elijah, prophetically declaring the ministry of John the Baptist, who we know came in the spirit of Elijah. What preceded the spirit of Elijah was “comfort My people”. We have been through an extended traumatic season, and it’s easy to miss its impact, as it is something that has happened to everyone. Comfort is the answer to trauma, and God wants to minister to, and lift off the trauma of the past season, so we are free to bring that same comfort and healing to the world around us.

Simplifying, Purifying, Intensifying

God wants to return to us His normal for us, which is double portion. God woke Debbie in the middle of the night and said clearly, “Disengagement has to go!” The disengagement has been a trauma response to the COVID season, and God is bringing His people back. To fully receive the double portion He has for us, we have to re-engage with His apostolic call - that which He has sent us to do.

The Spirit of Elijah - Part 2

This is part 2 of 3 messages on the spirit of Elijah. Isaiah 61 shows us what the anointing that was on Jesus will do. It will heal broken hearts and set people free. But it doesn’t stop there. Isaiah 61 goes on to tell us what those who were once broken hearted - and now healed - will do. They will disrupt, heal and restore generational cycles and patterns of dysfunction and brokenness. We need healing not just for ourselves. Our healing becomes the launchpad that sees others set free in the same area that we were once held captive. You have been placed in the midst of pain and brokenness to be an agent of healing to the world around you. It is time to be activated and sent out!

The Spirit of Elijah - Part 1

The spirit that was on Elijah was not only that of prophet. Malachi 4 tells us that the “spirit and power of Elijah” will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers. John The Baptist came in that spirit to “prepare the way of the Lord”. This anointing to heal hearts and heal families precedes the full ministry of Jesus. As we are sent out to heal broken hearts we prepare a highway that Jesus can come in on.

Orphanitis To Sonship

Tim continues to speak on the two giants in the land of Kingdom breakthrough and heaven being fully manifested on earth … those being unbelief and orphanitis, Paul said to the Corinthians, “you have ten thouand teachers in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers”. Paul points to this as being the reason they are still stuck in immaturity. In our call to “grow up into Him” (Eph 4) we MUST shift from our focus on programs, events, and tasks, and truly open our hearts to giving and receiving adoptive love - growing together as family. Much of the immature fruit we see in the Body today is a “pandemic of the unparented”. God is wanting to raise up mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, so that the world experiences the fullness of Jesus.

Faith - Size Matters

As the church, we are commissioned to bring heaven to earth - to see the reality of heaven tangibly manifested in the earth realm. There are two key giants in our way at the moment - unbelief, and orphanitis. Today, Tim focuses on unbelief, and specifically our role as individuals to grow into a place of faith. When it comes to faith, size matters, and is a factor that makes a difference in our ability to usher in Kingdom breakthrough.

Healing and The Kingdom

One of the primary ways Jesus demonstrated the Kingdom was through healing and deliverance. Healing is not an added extra - a bonus. It’s in the atonement. Tim looks at three key truths about the ministry of physical healing, mixing teaching with stories and testimonies of different ways that healing has come. The onus is on us to learn and understand how the Kingdom of God operates. We also need to process our past disappointments in a healthy way. These are both critical so that we don’t create room for unbelief to grow.

Laws of The Kingdom - Sowing and Reaping

Like earth has the law of gravity, the Kingdom of God has “laws” by which it operates. If we are not seeing what Scripture promises manifested in our life, chances are we haven’t fully grasped how His kingdom works. One such “law” is the law of sowing and reaping. Sometimes we are not reaping what we want because we haven’t taken God at His word and applied faith to what we sow. Sometimes we are reaping what we don’t want, because we have sown something in the past that has now grown a crop in our life. We blame many things, but don’t realise we are actually reaping something we sowed. Other times we lack because we haven’t sowed anything at all. Tim explores this law of sowing and reaping, so that we can work with it and start to experience everything that Scripture has promised us.

Culture of Heaven - Honour + Word For Women On Mothers' Day

It’s Mothers’ Day, and a great day to talk about one of the fundamentals of the culture of heaven - honour. Scripture says to “honour your father and mother that it may go well with you…” There is a sowing and reaping that happens around this particular area of honour. If things are not going well for you, there’s a chance that you have sowed dishonour somewhere, and you are now reaping from that. Tim tells of his own journey in this, and then Debbie releases a powerful prophetic word and commissioning for the women.

Stand Your Ground

Paul said to the Corinthians, “…we are not ignorant of the devil’s devices,” and he said to the Ephesians, “…put on the full armour of God so you can stand against the devil’s schemes.” What the enemy is doing is not our focus, and at the same time, we can’t be ignorant of what he is up to. Right now, the enemy wants us overwhelmed, and to dissociate/check-out as a protection against all that’s happening in the world. This empowers a sleepy, “wet blanket” kind of feel in spirit. At the same time God is doing an Isaiah 60 work of waking us up. In this season, it is critical that we do not give up ground to the enemy by accepting something that’s not our Kingdom inheritance as “normal”, or “just the way it is.” Do not give up ground right now!

Breaking The Familiarity of Fear

Over the past 2 years, fear seems to have become a normal part of our lives, yet it is not a normal part of the Kingdom life. Tim opens up Isaiah 60 and 2 Timothy 1:7. In the context of “deep darkness covers the earth…”, we are called to arise and shine. Fear becoming familiar in this past season wars against what we are called to. Love, power, and a sound mind are in direct opposition to what is happening in the world right now. We are to be of a different spirit, so that world looks at God’s people and says, “you have what I need!” Then “nations will come to your light and Kings to the brightness of your rising.”

i61 and The Kingdom Season

In our first corporate gathering for 2022, Tim opens up our core Scripture - Isaiah 61 - to remind us of the calling on us as a house, and set our calling in the context of a global strategic prophetic word from Chris Reed from Morningstar, and explained by Mike Bickle from IHOP Kansas City. We have been divinely positioned and prepared “for such as time as this”. Tim calls us to be bold in asking Jesus to touch us and move on us so that our lives truly become “a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendour.”

To get the full and complete story on the global prophetic, see Mike Bickle’s message at https://youtu.be/fpFEXVg7QbA

You can see the graphic Tim was speaking from at i61.com.au/i61-vision-map

Fruits, Roots, and the Competition In Your Garden

Unbelief is not “the lack of faith”. It is a substance - a weed growing in our garden. When Jesus healed the boy with the mute spirit in Mark 9, the boy’s father said, “I believe. Help my unbelief.” He had two trees growing in his garden. One that believed Jesus, and one that battled to. When we have “stuff” in our life that is less than what scripture promises, it is evidence that more than one tree is growing in our garden. Jesus wants to deal with the tree at the root. In this season, dreams in the night are increasing, and God is revealing the root of our fruit, and giving us keys for advancement.

It's Time For Faith To Build

It’s not hard for a global event of COVID-19’s magnitude to throw us off centre a bit. There has been grace for that. Now the season is turning. It’s time to stop thinking just about survival and start thinking about advancement. Tim reminds us that there is a kind of faith that attracts the realm of heaven to our situation. It’s time to start building that kind of faith and re-orient ourselves back toward our Kingdom assignment.

Fear, Division, and Famous For Love

There is so much opportunity to be offended right now. So much division in the air. So easy to judge those who see things differently to us. Yet, we have been given a mission to show the world what love really is. Tim exhorts us to continue to grow in mature love. If we can only love those we agree with, the problem is us rather than them. In a world that is deeply divided, God want us to be famous for our love!

Coming Out Of Lockdown-itis

We are in unusual times, and it is so easy to get pre-occupied with everything that is going on around us - what the government is doing, whether people are vaccinating, masking, cooperating, protesting, and so on the list goes. John chapter 5 gives us some keys to stay away from victim thinking, to stay powerful, and to cooperate with what The Father is doing in this time to build His Kingdom.